Color picker issues

Newbie here, just started trying out InstaMAT and I’m running into some very basic issues I think.

I’m trying out painting with the “multi-channel” brush and all seems to work fine. But when I try to use the color picker in the “base color” panel ( the pipet icon ), it seems to pick the right color, but when I paint, the color is way too dark. Even though the color in the color panel seems to show the right color.

Even when I set the “Render Mode” to " Solo Material" without any lighting and pick a color, this problem occurs.

I’m probably doing something wrong, but all I do is use the color picker and try to paint with what the picker picked.

So I’d be very grateful if a more experienced user could point me in the right direction ?


Just tested some more and it seems related to the Tonemap Operator and the Render Mode. Only when I set the Tonemap to sRGB instead of the default ACES and the Render Mode to “solo material”, I end up painting with the color I picked.

Smells like a bug ?

Welcome to the community @toonafish!

Indeed, color picker always picks the color off the screen. This means if you have high/low exposure in your viewport, it will pick that color. You also be mindful of your tonemap, if you want the same color to pick for painting, you need to use the sRGB tone map not ACES.

With that being said, this has already been changed in the current internal build. MAT now automatically switches to sRGB and Exposure:1 for both the canvas and the viewport as soon as you begin picking a color!

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Muchas gracias @Voidberg.

Good to know this works more intuitive in the next update.

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