Newbie here, just started trying out InstaMAT and I’m running into some very basic issues I think.
I’m trying out painting with the “multi-channel” brush and all seems to work fine. But when I try to use the color picker in the “base color” panel ( the pipet icon ), it seems to pick the right color, but when I paint, the color is way too dark. Even though the color in the color panel seems to show the right color.
Even when I set the “Render Mode” to " Solo Material" without any lighting and pick a color, this problem occurs.
I’m probably doing something wrong, but all I do is use the color picker and try to paint with what the picker picked.
So I’d be very grateful if a more experienced user could point me in the right direction ?
Just tested some more and it seems related to the Tonemap Operator and the Render Mode. Only when I set the Tonemap to sRGB instead of the default ACES and the Render Mode to “solo material”, I end up painting with the color I picked.
Smells like a bug ?