Copy nodes to clipboard as text or code similar to Unreal Engine’s Blueprint implementation. In UE, you can copy + paste selected nodes or the entire graph as code and either upload to Blueprints | Page 1 | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine, pastebin, a text file, or share in chat programs as a code block.
Another way of sharing either simple or complex node setups without having to share the entire project. You can quickly share portions of a graph without having to create a separate project containing just those nodes.
Implementation Details
Nodes would need to resolve to InstaMAT readable code when copying.
Copying a node would generate code with attributes for example NodePosX, NodePosY, NodeID, PinIDs, and LinkedTo to represent what it is, its position, and where it connects to.
The InstaMAT graph would then read this code upon pasting.