in all the time i spent on IM i understood it tend to crash a bit too much (which does not happen that much while working on a layering project, or just it does not crush almost at all there),
while in an element project it also crash when i just click on a node to select it, so it do it a bit “randomly”.
While in the last project i’m working on it does crush also more still when i use to save the package (while in an element project) which contain some other elements and udim projects, and it also crash more even without to give to me the bug report window.
When Saving the package ( it’s the same even when moving a slider or while clicking on a node, also while panning the canvas ) and the gpu does not give any problem sign :
Other random crash example ( while auto-saving it seams ) :
to being able to work this around i had to save the elements in the asset library and i bring the layers into a new project trough the asset library too, s onow they are calculated as separate package and it does not crush that much anymore
Hello @HoH, thank you for the report. In general, InstaMAT should be very stable, so there might be another issue. Do you experience the crashes only with this graph, or in general? Do you get any messages in the Output Log?
To be able to investigate this more easily, would you be able to share the package you are working on in the videos? Also, could you please share your system specs?
Hello @HoH. I was able to open your package without any crashes. However, the project is referencing projects from your user library, so I weren’t able to open it fully. Others were also able to open it and didn’t experience any crashes.
We will try to investigate the issues you are decribing based on the package. Thank you again for the report, the package and all the information. This is really helpful!
One question though, do you have the most recent drivers for your GPU installed? Old drives could cause such unwanted behaviour.