Enhanced Key Bindings and Preferences

Everyone comes from different software (Unreal, Unity, Blender, Maya, Substance, etc.) and has their favorite key bindings and settings. Instead of locking in the controls to one control scheme, allow each user to set their own in a much more comprehensive way than is currently available.


This would drastically help new users be able to feel more at home if they’re able to interact with the software like they’re already used to doing. And it would help more advanced users develop more efficient workflows for things they do a lot.

Implementation Details

This is in no way a comprehensive list here, but generally the rule would be: If it has a shortcut, key press, or click combo, it should be tied to a key binding in the preferences tab. Some quick examples of things would be:

Panning, zooming, drag selecting, default comment colors, dragging connected noodles, etc.

One thing I also wanted to mention but didn’t because I didn’t want to make the main post too long is that I’ve noticed multiple different feature requests about shortcuts/key bindings already, but they are for specific actions. Doing a broader expansion of the preferences and key bindings to encompass the majority if not all available shortcuts/keypresses/navigation methods (Panning, zooming, scrolling, selecting, etc.) Would eliminate the need for most of those types of requests because regardless of what is standard in the software, the user can just change it themselves without having to make it a feature request.

The software is absolutely amazing, and although I’m still new to it, I love it. I just realize that a new/different control scheme from what users are used to/comfortable with can really make learning a new software more difficult than it already is.

Thanks @Meganaught for the clarification and for your feature request! Glad to hear you are enjoying InstaMAT! :blush: