Export resolution of textures

How can you set the export resolution? I tried changing the “execution resolution” to 4096 x 4096, but it still exports all the maps as 2048 x 2048.

Also it would be very helpful to have an override for the export resolution in the “Image and Data Output Export” dialog as in Substance Painter. An even better solution would allow to export in multiple resolutions at the same time. As I’m creating USD assets with material variants, I always have 2K and 4K. This way I can switch in my scene between the resolutions based on whether the object is in the foreground or background.

Hello @gmc and thank you for your post.

Currently, the execution resolution and export resolution are separate settings, making it possible for workflows such as the ability to work at a lower resolution when creating the project and then exporting outputs at a higher resolution if desired.

To set the export resolution in the Image and Data Output Export dialog, you can use the Format Settings when exporting from an element graph or materialize image project:

Or the settings in the Material Sections area when exporting from a layering project.

There is currently an issue with Material Layering projects where the export format settings do not appear. To work around this, you can open a temporary Element Graph or Layering project, adjust the export resolution, close the export dialog, then switch projects. When you open the export dialog, the dialog will export maps with the previously-set export resolution. This issue will be fixed in the next update.

Regarding exporting images at multiple resolutions, I think that would be a good candidate for a feature request. If one for this feature has not been created already, you could create a post in the InstaMAT > Feature Requests category. Posts in this category have a particular format,t which is auto-filled when creating a post there. Users can vote on feature requests to show their interest.

I hope this helps and if you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! :smiling_face:


Hi @Pixpy,

many thanks for this hint, I don’t know why I have not seen this :slight_smile: That’s exactly what I needed. As you suggested, I will create a feature request for the export of multiple resolutions.

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You’re welcome! :smiling_face: I’m glad I was able to help.