Currently I have not been able to find a way to change the key assignments for basic commands such as Undo and Redo.
It would be great if we could change the key assignments for most of the functions in InstaMAT besides those commands.
It would also be very nice if the user could change the way the 2D/3D View operates (Substance Painter can do that).
It refers to the ability to change the combination of mouse buttons (Left, Middle, Right) and modifier keys (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) used for the Pan, Rotate, and Zoom operations of the View Port according to user preferences.
I am using a programmable keyboard, so I have undo/redo usually bound to two single combo keys which executes CTRL+Z and CTRL+SHIFT+Z. Afaics, there is no way to customize the hotkey combo for undo/redo… (I would like redo to be CTRL+SHIFT+Z, so it conforms with all other apps I am using)