currently I am evaluating InstaMAT and it seems very promising and just to leave some kind words - I would like to thank the team behind it. So far, really great work! Wasn’t so hyped for a program for a long time.
But now to my feature request.
As a guy who does foliage for games I like to pack my foliage with nodes into an atlas. I tried to do this with the material transform node but I do miss some inputs - especially custom ones. The most important one would be having one for the opacity/mask channel, but I would also like to transform special ones like a 2D distance field texture or some others like translucency or masks in general.
So my request would be, to add a default opacity input (that also reads as a mask when previewed) and the possibility to add custom channels. -
Not a real feature request, more like a extension for the library, but having native nodes for packing foliage (atlases) in general would be nice
Anyway. Keep up the good work.
Best regards,