Hide items depending on input parameters

Hi InstaMAT Community :smiling_face:

I use Element Graph to create a “mask for layering”.
When there are many input parameters, I want to hide unnecessary input parameters using Case.

(For example, when you set the Mesh Mask Builder value to a value other than 0, the parameters are displayed.)


Maybe use “conditional”?

Hello @t0rry,

You can hide and show input parameters based on a condition using Visibility Expressions (VisEx). Here’s an article from our documentation on VisEx: Visibility Expressions | InstaMAT Documentation

To use an enum, you can use a visibility expression such as case == 0 which will make the parameter visible if the first option in the enum is selected. 0 is the first option in the enum, 1 is the second option, and so on…

There a quick example of this on our YouTube channel in our getting started video for Atom Graphs at the timecode 21:29.

Let us know if you have any questions!


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