For example, Blend Height node expects an image input for its sockets.
It seems to allow me to pick an image from a built-in library. However, how do I add my own image files here?
For example, Blend Height node expects an image input for its sockets.
It seems to allow me to pick an image from a built-in library. However, how do I add my own image files here?
Hello @raincole,
You can add images to the library by adding them to an InstaMAT Package (.IMP file) and saving that package in the User Library. The library is commonly found in your user’s Documents/InstaMAT/Library
You can learn more about the User Library here.
You could also drag the image into the graph and then choose to either import it into your current package or link it in. You can then use a graph connection to input the image for the Blend Height node.
Please feel free to ask if you have any further questions.