Improve the FloodFill family

It is necessary to be able to perform transformations on the data generated by FloodFill, such as moving, scaling, translating, as well as tiling.


In most scenarios where we create materials, we make a small loop (eg. tile=5) and then add a lot of details to this loop. This is because a small loop uses more resolution in UV space, making it easier to control the details of the material. Conversely, if we start with a large loop (eg. tile=200), it will be very difficult to control the details of these materials, as each cell uses very little resolution in UV space.
After we have refined the details based on a small loop, we need to use the TileGenerator to recombine the result so that it can be applied to a larger area. However, the large loop currently still looks too “programmatic,” so we need to apply various warp and blur effects to make it appear more natural. At this point, we still rely on the data from FloodFill, hoping that the mask provided by FloodFill can be used to better adjust the base color, height, and other aspects of each cell.
So, it is very important for us to be able to perform Tile, rotation, scaling, and translation on the data from FloodFill!

Implementation Details

It is necessary to add 3 new nodes:
1 - FloodFill Transform.
2 - FloodFill Tile.
3 - FloodFill Blend.

Finally, we hope that the data extracted by FloodFillExtractByIndex retains the original coordinates, so that we can iterate through them and make modifications. Even if it is necessary to keep them centered in UV space, we can also use CropAuto on them.

I hope you don’t think my requests are presumptuous. I have been using InstaMAT for over five months, and I use it every day. I really love your software; it’s the best material software. I just hope it can become even better and make our work easier! Thank you for reading this far! :rose: :rose: :rose:

Thanks @CX1 for your feature request!