InstaLOD Studio, USD import missing textures

To get started I downloaded some of Nvidia’s Omniverse USD samples. Opening those in InstaLOD Studio I can see the mesh just fine. I also see the various material names. However, all the materials render as grey. If I open the referenced MDL files (excerpt below) they point to the Omniverse default PBR shaders. I am guessing InstaLOD does not know how to handle those and so I am limited to mesh operations instead of texture baking?

mdl 1.8;

import ::state::normal;
import ::OmniSurface::OmniShared::emission_mode;
import OmniUber_Automotive::*;
import ::tex::gamma_mode;

export material Carpaint_01(*)
 = OmniUber_Automotive::OmniUber_Automotive(
    uvs_mode_01: OmniUber_Automotive::triplanar,
    uv_scale_01: float2(1.f),
    uv_offset_01: float2(0.f),
    uv_offset_time_01: float2(0.f),
    uv_rotation_01: 0.f,
    triplanar_blend_range_01: 0.5f,
    coat_roughness_image: texture_2d("../textures/noise_scratch2.png", ::tex::gamma_default, ""),
    coat_roughness_channel: OmniUber_Automotive::r,
    coat_roughness: 0.0599999987f,

Hello Somebody321,

Welcome to our Community!

Unfortunately, InstaLOD does not support NVIDIA’s Material Definition Language (MDL) yet. While USD has its own schemas for materials, MDL is an extension to supplement the material schema provided by vanilla USD. Models that don’t use MDL for their material setup are loaded correctly in InstaLOD, as long as the InstaLOD material system supports all textures and shading options within the file.

