「InstaMAT 解説本」 InstaMAT Explanation Book has been released!

Hello, InstaMAT Community! :wave: :wave: :wave:
I’m learning InstaMAT in Japan!
No one in Japan has explained how to use InstaMAT.

So I created an instruction manual for InstaMAT. :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:
This is a project that has just begun.


In the future, I think it will be necessary to make the design and content easier to understand.
(This book is published as a “draft version.”) :ghost: :ghost:

It has also been featured in multiple Japanese CG media.

As a member of the community, I would be happy if this leads to the name InstaMAT becoming more widely known.

In addition, it is licensed under “CC BY-SA 4.0”.
if anyone would like an English translation, I am considering sharing the manuscript in “markdown” format.
I hope that many people will make use of it!


Hello @t0rry, this is awesome! Thank you for making this, it’s really appreciated.

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It’s been two days since it was released.
It has now been downloaded over 300 times! :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream:

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That’s fantastic @t0rry ! I wish there was an english translation :smiley:

Edit: Noticed that the link is actually to X - I’ll make sure we repost!

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Hi! voidberg :wave:
I feel like it hasn’t been reposted yet…!

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It will be shared in a few minutes :sunglasses:

Did you consider uploading the markdown to github, it might help people to collaborate by submitting pull requests!

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I see.
I’ll try it out!
Also, I don’t have basic skills in UI design using CSS,
so I’d like to make this a book that “anyone can use as a reference” by going through the design process through trial and error!

This is awesome @t0rry! Thanks for making this book!

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Over 500 downloads!


Over 600 downloads!


That’s awesome, congratulations!

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Wow congrats @t0rry ! :tada:

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wow! over 700 Downloads!


That’s a great success, awesome @t0rry!