Is it possible to export multiple materials into shared texture

So I have a model which has multiple materials but the model is UV mapped into a single UV space.

Is it possible to export so that all my maps go into shared files so that I only get a single image file of each map type?

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Hello @Erkka, and welcome to our community!

This sounds like a great use case for InstaLOD’s Material Merge operation. InstaLOD is another application from Abstract and contains many powerful tools and workflows for 3D asset creation and optimization.

With InstaLOD, you can import the mesh with its multiple materials, then run the Material Merge operation to combine them all into one set of texture maps.

You can learn more about InstaLOD here and check out the InstaLOD Documentation if you’re curious. It also has a free Pioneer License!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


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Hi Pixby. I haven’t tested InstaLOD yet. I’ll give it a try today. Thanks for the info and the welcome!

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