I working on VFX a lot of time and it will be nice to create texture sheets inside InstaMat. Maybe there already are some hacks that will be useful for creating animation sheets?
I saw some type of animator that can be baked to tile node. Or maybe there are funcs that can be used for automated value changes inside nodes one by one? And after you can put results into one tile generator.
For now I using “monkey job” by changing nodes one by one and putting them on tiles
Hello @iSchmidt. I am not sure if I understand correctly, do you want to create sprite sheets and animate them in InstaMAT?
If so, this is possible by exposing the parameters you’d like to animate and add keyframes to them. Then, you can play your animation with the dopesheet.
To add a keyframe, right click on your parameter and choose “Add Keyframe to Dope Sheet”:
The dopesheet can be found in the top menu by clicking on the following icon:
In case this is not what you want to achieve, please provide more information so we can find a solution.