We’re currently using AI based translation to localize MAT into different languages.
There are obvious mistakes here that are difficult for us to identify and improve on.
But we’ve heard you ⏤ the MAT community wants to help here, so I’m creating this post.
How to help with the localization?
Please respond to this topic and post a screenshot of the localization that needs to be improved and include the proper translation. It’s important to be precise here so we know what to do without speaking the language ourselves. Thus right below your screenshot provide information about Content, the Context, a Justification and a full Replacement Sentence.
GPU Verwendung für neuronale Knoten zulassen
In the application settings on the “Advanced” tab there is an odd use of the word “Knoten” for a “Node”. It’s better to use the English terminology here.
The word Knoten is not really used in the German CG industry, typically we defer to English terminology, in this case “Nodes”
GPU Verwendung für neuronale Nodes erlauben
Want to help further with localization?
If you’d like to help further with improving the localization of InstaMAT, please send us an email or use our contact form and include your InstaMAT Cloud account username.
First of all, I hope you understand and forgive me if I am speaking unnatural English through machine translation.
EN: Drag RMB to zoom.
JP: 人民元をドラッグしてズームします。
The text that appears at the bottom of the screen when performing graph operations.
The previous text Press Space or Right-Click the canvas...Right-Click is used here, but the abbreviation RMB is used here, so it is interpreted as RMB.
This is seen in all other places that use RMB
人民元 is the equivalent of renminbi (Chinese yuan), which is a clear error. RMB is Right Mouse Button, but since there is no appropriate abbreviation to describe the operation, it is better to leave the notation as RMB or unify RMB with Right-Click (right click).
右クリックのドラッグでズームします。 ← If you want to unify with Right-Click,
右クリックしながらドラッグでズームします。 ← It’s more communicative, but it’s a lot of text.
Not only here, It would look more natural to replace all 人民元 to RMB in all text.
EN: Use the Wheel to zoom.
JP: 車輪を使用してズームします。
Text that appears at the bottom of the screen to explain the operation of a graph or other operations.
The 車輪 represents the wheel of a car.
In Japan, ホイール, the katakana reading of Wheel, or マウスホイール is commonly used. Either one is acceptable, but wheel is better as it is shorter and closer to the original.
ホイールを使用してズームします。 ← Here’s one closer to the original, but it’s redundant
By the way, am I using “context” and “justification” correctly?
This button is located in the lower right corner of the Preferences window. (There may be others, but I don’t know.)
This is the equivalent of “Yes” or “OK” in the dialog.
わかりました is equivalent to I understand.
It can be understood as it is, but it is more of a conversational expression. It is rarely used in dialog choices.
In Japan, the Yes (OK) No dialogues are understood as they are, so it is better to use these.
EN: Active Bakers
Inactive Bakers
JP: アクティブなパン屋さん
The right portion of the settings window for baking textures from a mesh.
which we interpret as the baker implementation selectable list for baking the texture.
There is no problem with アクティブな/非アクティブな.
The パン屋さん becomes the Bread shop(Bakery) equivalent, and it appears to the user that there is a list of active/inactive bakeries.
I think this is a problem caused by baker being treated as Bakery.
The パン屋/パン屋さん is a clear error.
There is no clear counterpart to baker, but since the word bake(ベイク) is familiar, it would be better to replace it with either baker or ベイカー in a unified manner.
I cannot decide which is more natural. (I would be interested to hear what others have to say about this.)
I await responses from others as I have encountered the following…
An error occurred: No more than 3 consecutive replies are allowed. Please edit your previous reply, or wait for someone to reply to you.
That’s awesome @Rapilias ! Do you think we need to improve a larger number of translations currently? If yes, we could also give you access to Abstract Translate our software we use to translate InstaMAT.
Do you think we need to improve a larger number of translations currently?
Yes, There are still some translations that need to be improved.
if possible I would like to help translate this tool in order to convey its appeal to more Japanese people!
Expose Input Parameters / Expose Output Parameters popup window buttons use the unnatural word さらす.
The Japanese word さらす is not used for this kind of UI.
And it is also not a word that gives a good impression.
I think 公開 is would be better, the same word used to translate Expose in the window title.
Further suggestions
However, many Japanese would find 公開 unnatural
Therefore, I suggest 展開 as a translation. 展開 means Expand in English.
This word is often used to display all the elements of a hierarchical structure, such as a directory, is 展開.
It is also used in Windows Explorer
SampleImage: Windwos11 Explorer
Is this the correct way to write this? I hope I’m not being rude.
I added a Context item that I forgot to write.
Now that I know the correct meaning of the function, I too wonder if 公開 is a good translation for Expose.
I agree with the 公開 translation too.
Baker doesn’t have a common Japanese translation, so it looks fine as ベイカー . @Rapilias’s “mesh baker element list” is a good work!.
It might be easier to give you access to our translation tool Abstract Translate if you want to translate a lot. To give you access, you will need to sign an NDA with Abstract as it’s an internal tool. But then you can easily translate, our automatic translations are not marked as approved so they are easy to find. You can also enter your name so we know who translated it.
To get access, please submit this form: Contact – Abstract
Enter your full name and provide some context so the email goes to the right places.
Thank you!
Let me ask you a few questions here and there before I send you an e-mail.
may I share only the premise of “translating InstaMAT” and ask for input from close friends and community members?
is it permissible (if 1 is allowed) to publish a list of “current translations” and ask where additional translations are needed, or to discuss the translations I have done?
Can I use InstaMAT on my computer to preview the translations I have done with this tool? (and is this question the scope of the NDA?)
i intend to sign the NDA with my real name, is it ok if i enter Rapilias as the name of the translator? (I do not want to disclose my real name outside of the contract itself.)