Let's Improve Localization: Korean 🇰🇷

We’re currently using AI based translation to localize MAT into different languages.
There are obvious mistakes here that are difficult for us to identify and improve on.

But we’ve heard you ⏤ the MAT community wants to help here, so I’m creating this post.

How to help with the localization?

Please respond to this topic and post a screenshot of the localization that needs to be improved and include the proper translation. It’s important to be precise here so we know what to do without speaking the language ourselves. Thus right below your screenshot provide information about Content, the Context, a Justification and a full Replacement Sentence.

Example Post

GPU Verwendung für neuronale Knoten zulassen

In the application settings on the “Advanced” tab there is an odd use of the word “Knoten” for a “Node”. It’s better to use the English terminology here.

The word Knoten is not really used in the German CG industry, typically we defer to English terminology, in this case “Nodes”

GPU Verwendung für neuronale Nodes erlauben

Want to help further with localization?

If you’d like to help further with improving the localization of InstaMAT, please send us an email or use our contact form and include your InstaMAT Cloud account username.