Mask method mesh faces

My models are generally low poly.
While UV islands is a good masking method, I do find myself often in the situation where I just want to select some faces as mask.

This does not seem to exist.

Hello @garry3d,

Thank you for your post.

You can mask by polygon using the Mesh Polygon Mask. This can be used as a node in an Element graph or as a mask for a layer in a Layering project.



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I see, well this is hidden really well.
It could be in the pulldown.


@garry3d You could add the Mesh Polygon Mask as a favorite. This will make it appear under the Favorites section in the pulldown menu.

To add a mask as a favorite:

  1. Search or locate the mask in the MAT Library panel.
  2. Right click it and choose Add to Favorites.

The mask will then appear in the pulldown menu.

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Sweet, this worked.
Though it would be nice to have this right click option in the menu that opens when doing pick from library.


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Glad it worked!

Regarding being able to favorite from the Resource Picker, that’s a good idea for a feature request. If you’d like you could make a post in the InstaMAT > Feature Requests category. Just be sure to format the post with the Feature Request template.


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