Mesh Filter / process filtered meshes not working

Hi! I want to you use the mesh filter and process only the filtered objects. But nothing happens when i click on “Start X meshes selected” in the mesh operations menu. What am i missing?

Hello @FM1,

Could you please provide the profile you are using to process the selected meshes?



“Application” : “InstaLOD Studio (build Feb 24 2023 13:54:02 RELEASE)”,
“CombineInputMeshes” : false,
“Description” : “”,
“Export” : {
“FBXEmbedMedia” : true,
“FBXExportBinormalsAndTangents” : true,
“FBXExportColors” : true,
“FBXExportEmptyMeshes” : true,
“FBXExportEmptyNodes” : true,
“FBXExportNormals” : true,
“FBXExportSmoothingGroups” : false,
“FBXExportUVs” : true,
“FBXGroupApplyLODGroupAttribute” : false,
“FBXGroupByMeshOperationEntry” : false,
“FBXGroupCreateInRoot” : true
“Materials” : {
“AbsoluteTexturePaths” : true,
“AutoMatchTexturePages” : true,
“AutoMatchTexturePagesForceDefaultOutputSize” : true,
“DefaultHeight” : 2048,
“DefaultWidth” : 2048,
“OutputPathFormat” : “C:\Users\fm24798\Documents\InstaLOD Studio XL\Textures\{MESH.NAME}{TEXTURE.TYPE}{INDEX}_{RANDOM}”,
“ShadingModel” : “Automatic”,
“TexturePageExportCompressionQuality” : 90,
“TexturePageExportFormat16Bit” : “PNG16”,
“TexturePageExportFormat32Bit” : “PNG16”,
“TexturePageExportFormat8Bit” : “PNG8”
“MeshOperation” : {
“AppendNameSuffix” : true,
“Entries” : [{
“Export” : true,
“ForceOptimization” : false,
“IsActive” : true,
“MeshNameFilterRegEx” : “.*”,
“Name” : “LOD1”,
“OptimizerWeightsColorIndex” : 0,
“OptimizerWeightsColorSetNameRegEx” : “”,
“OptimizerWeightsSelectionSetNameRegEx” : “”,
“RemoveInputMesh” : true,
“Settings” : {
“AbsoluteTriangles” : 0,
“AlgorithmStrategy” : “Smart_v2”,
“AutomaticQuality” : “High”,
“BoundaryImportance” : “Highest”,
“HardAngleThreshold” : 70.0,
“HealTJunctionThreshold” : 0.0,
“LockBoundaries” : true,
“LockSplits” : false,
“MaxDeviation” : 0.0,
“NormalHealingMode” : “Default”,
“NormalizeMeshScale” : false,
“OptimalPlacement” : true,
“OptimizerVertexWeights” : false,
“PercentTriangles” : 0.50,
“ProtectBoundaries” : true,
“ProtectSplits” : true,
“RecalculateNormals” : false,
“ScreenSizeInPixels” : 0,
“ShadingImportance” : “Normal”,
“SilhouetteImportance” : “Highest”,
“SkeletonOptimize” : {
“IgnoreJointRegEx” : “”,
“LeafBoneWeldDistance” : 0.0,
“MaximumBoneDepth” : 0,
“MaximumBoneInfluencesPerVertex” : 0,
“MinimumBoneInfluenceThreshold” : 0.0
“SkinningImportance” : “Normal”,
“TextureImportance” : “Normal”,
“UnitScaleFactor” : 1.0,
“WeightedNormals” : true,
“WeldingNormalAngleThreshold” : 90.0,
“WeldingProtectDistinctUVShells” : true,
“WeldingThreshold” : 0.0099999997764825820
“Type” : “Optimize”
“GlobalScope” : true,
“PreserveInputMesh” : true,
“UsePreviousOutputAsInput” : false
“Name” : “3Mio”,
“Operation” : “MeshOperation”,
“SmoothingGroupImport” : “None”,
“Version” : “6.0”

Thanks @FM1! However, I’m having trouble copying and pasting the JSON. Would you be able to provide the JSON file? (1.2 KB)

@Pixby sure

Thank you for providing the file @FM1.

I have just now tested it by using the filter and it appears to be processing the filtered meshes with the model I am testing with.

Is it possible that with the Automatic Quality setting set to High, the selected meshes are already optimized to that level of quality? Does perhaps lowering the Automatic Quality setting to something like Normal or Low result in a further reduction of polygons?