Missing namespace or Assembly Reference

The type or namespace name ‘Codice’ could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

on Unity 2022 LTS and 2023

Hello @HepheastusAether and welcome to our community!

Unfortunately, a using reference was added that should have not been there. Removing the following line from the top of the file should resolve the issue:

using Codice.CM.Common;


Greetings!, i removed that line from the WindowShared.cs and now i have a different issue.
Cannot resolve symbol ‘ContainsInvariantCultureIgnoreCase’
Assets\InstaLOD\Editor\InstaLODWindowShared.cs(798,59): error CS1061: ‘string’ does not contain a definition for ‘ContainsInvariantCultureIgnoreCase’ and no accessible extension method ‘ContainsInvariantCultureIgnoreCase’ accepting a first argument of type ‘string’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

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I was able to fix it by updating this line
if (InstaLODNative.GetAuthorizationInformationString().Contains(“[InstaLOD_NodeLocked]”))


if (InstaLODNative.GetAuthorizationInformationString().ContainsInvariantCultureIgnoreCase(“[InstaLOD_NodeLocked]”))

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Glad you were able to fix it. I’ll report this internally.
