(multi mat unified layering project) do not separate the masking between the materials

i used to make a layering project with different objects having two materials and the uvs packed in the same uv space as two different packed uvs, which if i unify them, there is an overlap.

the problem

here i thought that when i use a mesh mask ( generally a mask or a projection ) it would capt the two materials uvs as separated things, but when i used the mesh mask on a object of the mat1, it did overlapped on a mesh with mat2.

the work around

i just used the not unified version of the multi mat and at the end of the texturing i dragged layering project from the package to the mat2 layering section .


the unified multi mat, does it have to work in this way or it could also capt different materials uvs as separated ( udim similar )?

Hello @HoH,

Iā€™m not sure I understand. Would you be willing to post a video to demonstrate how your meshes, materials, and InstaMAT projects are configured?


I tested with a new file and meshes and i not found this problem anymore, maybe in the last asset where it happened i missed to assign the right mats, sadly i do not have that file any more, so i suppose the reason was related to that.

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