📣 Now Available: InstaMAT Studio Early Access 3 + Plugins for Tools and Engines (29th Feb 24)

I’m happy to announce that InstaMAT Studio EA3 is now available. If you have it already installed, it will prompt you at some point to update.
Together with this release, we’re making the long awaited integrations for Blender, Maya, Unreal Engine and Unity available.

If you are not a user yet, you can download it at https://cloud.InstaMAT.io

We’re still working on the documentation for the integrations but you’ll be able to find them in our documentation at https://docs.InstaMAT.io

The long list of new features and changes can be found at Releases and Changes | InstaMAT Documentation

If you haven’t seen the launch party live stream yesterday, make sure to catch up by watching it here: