Replace for All toggle in Baking Dialog

Remember the settings on “Repeat for all” when baking textures for UDIM layering projects.


When you test baking settings such as AO ray distance, you have to go through a few iterations. Every time you rebake something, IMT asks for comfirmation whether to replace the existing resource, that is the texture. It would save us a few clicks if the Repeat for all button remembered the setting.

Thanks for considering!

Thank you @DKNSDSGN for your feature request!


Can I please clarify here: Would you like the Existing Package Resource dialog to remember the setting for the Repeat for all toggle (whether it is disabled or enabled) but still want to be able to choose between “Replacing Existing” and “Keep Both”?

Or have it remember that you’d like to replace all baked texture maps and stop the dialog from appearing completely unless settings are reset in the Preferences window?


Hello @Pixby,

sorry for not being specific enough. I think your first paragraph sums it up well as keeping the dialog also serves as a warning and gives us more control over how we want to handle the texture replacements.

Have a good one!

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Thanks @DKNSDSGN! I’ll relay this internally.