Spiral Node (Atom)

Spiral. Made entirely on the Atom graph.


  • Number of Spirals (1 … 50). With large values ​​of this parameter and small values ​​of the Turns parameter, the spiral begins to deform and becomes similar to the result of the Stretching parameter.
  • Turns (1 … 50)
  • Thickness (0 … 1) - average value 0.5, smaller values ​​reduce the thickness of the white lines, larger values ​​increase.
  • Stretching (0.05 … 2) - default value 1.0 (no deformation), smaller values ​​stretch the spiral from the center outward, larger values ​​- in the opposite direction.
  • Position - Moving the center of the spiral (this parameter is not indicated in the screenshots, but it is in the node).


Spiral.IMP (17.0 KB)


That’s an awesome node!

Would be nice if to add tiling constraints to it so it’s cyclic over all edges. That’s always an important feature for a node that’s used for material creation.