While working on a layering project, it’s quite normal for viewport navigation to be controlled with the modifier key ‘Alt’ - ‘Alt + LMB’ to orbit, ‘Alt + MMB’ to pan, ‘Alt + RMB’ to zoom. This is because ‘LMB’ is typically reserved for actions like brush painting or manipulating handles etc. However, when creating node-based materials, being able to orbit with LMB, pan with MMB, and zoom with RMB directly in the viewport can significantly increase speed and reduce the need of using both hands (one for the keyboard and one for the mouse). Additionally, when working with graphs, having to use ‘Shift + LMB Drag’ to select multiple nodes also prevents single-handed operation.
From what I see, the ux of Instamat is probably adjusted around the Magic Mouse. However, I don’t think the Magic Mouse is widely used in the CG industry. Therefore, I believe adjustments should be made for regular mouse and pen users and single-handed use wherever possible, like working in graphs.
By the way, I’m not saying that we should be able to operate everything with one hand. What I mean is to minimize the need for two-handed usage wherever possible.
Thanks for this great software.