Switch project viewport by mantaining current project graph

Switching the project viewport while working on a graph


This is useful when i’m working on a mat and i want to directly see the changes on the layering project mesh with it’s baked maps and layer stack(where it is just in)

Implementation Details

a menu which let you chose between the different project viewports

just a rude example:

Hello @HoH,

With InstaMAT Studio, you can import an Element Graph project material from your active package directly into the layering project by dragging it from the Package Management panel into either the layer stack or directly onto the mesh in the viewport. When you save changes to the Element Graph project and switch to the Layering project, the material will update and display your changes on the mesh.

By having multiple tabs/projects open, you can immediately see the changes made in the Element Graph project material on the mesh in the Layering project.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!


yes, i was use to do that, i was thinking about a more seamless experience where i can see the viewport of the layering project while tweaking things in the graph project of the same pakage while keeping both windows up.
I know it’s just good like this, i wander if it would became even more seamless and custom.