Tablet Pen Click not working inside pop up windows


It seems I can not currently select a resource inside the pop up selection windows with my tablet pen. Any time a double click is required in those pop up windows where you can select a resource, I need to switch to mouse to be able to select it. The tablet pen click does not seem to work there.

I have no problems in other areas of the program using tablet pen click.

Please see this voiced video for a demonstration of what I mean:

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Hello @Hardev and thank you for the post. I’ll report that internally and provide more information once it becomes available.

Hi debe!

Thank you. I just experienced the same behavior when I want to double click to rename a layer in the layer Stack as well. It seems there is some double click threshold/interval problem or something in general in MAT when working with a pen to select things.


Tablet is my bread and butter. I work with pen in Unity, Unreal, 3D Coat, Blender,… basically everywhere, but I only experience this behavior in MAT.

I noticed that it can work when I click in a very particular rythm, a bit slower than usual. Then it seems to work. However, when the interval is too slow, it also does not work. Basically it feels like a sort of random hit or miss with pen. With Mouse, non of these problems seem to exist.

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Thank you for the additional information. I’ll make sure to include it in the report!

@Hardev we were able to reproduce the issue on Windows and will be working on a fix. Thanks again for the report.

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