There was a problem building the SDK files on Windows


I have some questions related to the SDK。

My license is the Startup license (Month), and my system is Windows. It seems that I can’t find the SDK files mentioned in the C++ documentation, such as InstaMATSDKSample.

Apologies, I’m still a beginner when it comes to coding.

When I try to execute the code from Step 1 directly in the installation directory, it gives me this message:

c:\Program Files\InstaMAT Studio\build>cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"
CMake Warning:
  No source or binary directory provided.  Both will be assumed to be the
  same as the current working directory, but note that this warning will
  become a fatal error in future CMake releases.

CMake Error: The source directory "C:/Program Files/InstaMAT Studio/build" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.


And this is my local directory. Is it missing any files? If so, is it due to the license issue or my incorrect operations?

Thank you very much for any answers!

Hello @lanshan and welcome to our community!

I have passed this along internally and will provide more information once it becomes available.


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Hello again @lanshan,

Thank you for your patience while we looked into this.

The errors appear to occur because you do not have the InstaMAT SDK sample files. We only distribute the SDK on request. Could you provide some information on how you would like to use the SDK?


Hello @Pixby ,

Certainly, I would like to create some plugins of my own.

When using Substance Designer, I implemented some simple scripts with Python, such as synchronizing parameters, cleaning up nodes, and automatically setting attributes, so I would like to implement them in InstaMat as well.

For example, during my use of InstaMat, I’ve encountered some new issues: I noticed that your parameter names are forced to start with a capital letter, and there are similar issues when exporting textures, such as variable names and texture formats. This actually causes some confusion because the naming conventions in some projects are all lowercase, which reduces some flexibility.

It would be great if you could add some settings control in the preferences.

Thank you for your response.

Hello @lanshan,

Thank you for providing more information on how you would like to use the SDK.

I’d like to provide some clarity on the intended use of the InstaMAT C++ SDK. The SDK serves as a runtime for the InstaMAT engine. The InstaMAT Plugin SDK allows for the creation of custom C++ nodes.

Therefore, I don’t think it’s currently possible to create plugins for InstaMAT Studio as you mentioned.

However, if you would like, you could create a feature request by creating a post in the InstaMAT > Feature Requests category. Posts created in this category have added functionality that make it possible for people to discuss and add votes to promote their interest on a feature. When creating a post in that category, the text input field automatically populates with the feature requests template. Please use it if you create a post.

Also, regarding parameter names with capital letters, this is intentional to promote consistency across projects and developers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


Thank you for your response, looking forward to more features in the future.

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