Has anyone had issues purchasing instaMat? I created an account and clicked on the monthly pioneer option and filled out the form there, but the space under payment is blank, there are no form elements there. When I click purchase nothing happens and there is no error.
Does it not work on Chrome?
Any help is appreciated.
I tried Firefox, no luck there either. I was able to see the form on my iPhone, but after I entered my payment info it told me there was a payment error.
How are you guys gonna get paid?
I think it’s a server issue.I was also facing the same issue.But tried again later like around 10-12 minutes later and it worked
Welcome to the community @playblaster and @OmarOmor !
First launches are always a bit bumpy especially as we’re seeing way more users than we expected. Before InstaMAT, we had a much lower volume on our shop so load balancer and rate-limiters kicked in fast. But even with those disabled it seems our instances are still struggling to keep up. We’re working on scaling up these systems so things will smoothen out soon.
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Hey mate @voidberg ,
Got to be honest here, InstaMAT was really hyped, and then you guys did the live stream before launch, it was even more hyped.
InstaMAT part is working now, but InstaLOD I can’t even fill in the form.
Nonetheless, I’m a patient guy and I’m thankfull for the Pioneer License <3
It will probably be another few days before it settles, since this really has the potential to become the new industry standard.
Same issue here. I’ve tried several times to checkout with the Startup tier license, but the payment section never works. I just downloaded the pioneer license to start experimenting for now, but I really want the logo waiver and InstaMat Pipeline.
Let me give you my money XD
Seriously though, this looks amazing, and I’m very excited to start experimenting with it.
To the whole InstaMat team, Thanks for all of your hard work!
@vamproy + @tdwilliamsv welcome to the community! That’s awesome. Thanks for your support - I’m sorry that it doesn’t work. But I’ll forward the issue to the web team.
The Pioneer license is incredible, but we also need money in order to continue so if you can afford it - the startup license is super affordable as well but helps us! So thank you @tdwilliamsv your commitment is appreciated!
Thanks for all your comments. it is reassuring to know that I’m not alone. I want to get the startup license. Monthly for now, while I try it out.
What is the logo waiver, 20%? I saw that checkbox but there is no explanation on the page I saw.
It might be helpful to display a notice that you guys are having server issues so users don’t get frustrated.
All that said, I’m excited to try it out. I’ve seen almost all your YouTube videos. From what I’ve seen it looks like a very promising piece of software.
@playblaster @tdwilliamsv I just got word that the payment form should be working now for the Startup license.
What is the logo waiver, 20%? I saw that checkbox but there is no explanation on the page I saw.
Good question! That’s actually only for game-licenses. Game-licenses are heavily discounted seat-licenses and part of that discount includes displaying the InstaMAT logo in the game’s splash screen. The logo-waiver removes that requirement. It’s pretty standard stuff in the industry! We’ve removed it from the seat-licenses. Thanks for bringing it up.
It might be helpful to display a notice that you guys are having server issues so users don’t get frustrated
True but I’m not sure if we can even do that. We’d need to build this functionality and that’d take time off from getting the whole thing working
All that said, I’m excited to try it out. I’ve seen almost all your YouTube videos. From what I’ve seen it looks like a very promising piece of software.
Thanks! I’m glad you like what you see, I can’t wait to see what you’re going to create with InstaMAT!
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thanks for getting back. i was able to pay through PayPal, but was still continually getting errors with a visa card. ironically it’s the same one PayPal is connected to.
just wanted to put that out there if anyone else if having trouble with cc payments.
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Glad to hear that you were able to purchase! Thank you for your support
That’s odd, I’ll make sure that we look into this. I think we had this before for InstaLOD, IIRC, the CC validation of our payment processor is very picky when it comes to the address.
mmm… could be the city. that would be my guess. i used more of a local area, which i have never had an issue with, but it might have wanted the official city.