Make the project node handle in a more handy way the udim maps to get visualized in the canvas view-port, more efficiently.
the tile treatment, i think it could be easier. instead of having to add as many nodes as the tiles are, the udim project( and maybe a udim/Multi-mat bake node) could use to compact a series of maps of the same name with different tile number in one input.
it should have a toggle in the project node itself instead of using the external per-process node, in a way to make the process way more intuitive and fast, especially in case of high tiles number.
so it should looks more like this in that case:
a change a would want to make to this request it’s about the implementation.
Instead of a toggle or something related to the node, it would be better like in the blender reference i than shown, to have IM individuate the udims when i just specify(insert somewhere e.g. in the project node or in a layering project image input) just the first image tile.
This would just make it more flexible compared to what i just told a the start of the post.
I thought about this at now when i wanted to use the id map to perform a material shift in multiple meshes without to make the project more heavy,
but so the fact i’m in a udim project and IM does not recognize the udims in this sort of way, it just warped for the single udim instance i given to it,
and certainly to work this around would take too long and maybe also more resource than how much i would give to this.
i know it can be a lot as request but would be really huge for the udim workflow for what i know.