Unable to export textures in InstaMAT Studio with UE preset

Good day
To export textures, I choose priset unreal and after that the intamate will simply freeze and that’s it. Perhaps there is a solution to this problem.

Hello @Victor and welcome to our community!

That’s unusual. Could you please elaborate a little more? As you posted this in Integrations, are you referring to one of the InstaMAT Integrations or directly to InstaMAT Studio? If it’s for the integrations, which one are you using? Could you maybe share your system specs as well?


Sorry, this is the first time I wrote, I probably indicated the wrong section. I use Instamat Studio. Maybe it’s because I have almost 1 million polygons. But when I textured with a resolution of 2048, there was no problem, everything worked fine. I was able to export textures only when I myself selected the maps that I want to export.
Photo from the settings when it was successfully exported and also with the Unreal Engine settings when nothing worked.
Ryzen 7 3700x
video card rx 5700
16 RAM

Hello @Victor,

Thank you for the additional information! I forwarded this internally and we will investigate the issue. I’ll let you know as soon as there are any new updates available.

Could you maybe share the project file? This would make it easier to investigate.

I also moved your thread to the InstaMAT category since the issue is with InstaMAT Studio and not with one of the integrations.


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Thank you for your answer. I am delighted with Instamat Studio! Development, patience and success to you!


Thank you very much @Victor, great to hear that! Also thank you for the file, this will make it much easier to investigate the issue.

If there is anything else we can help with, don’t hesitate to ask!
