Unreal 5.2 build error

Hi, compiling on Unreal 5.2 isn’t working

the InstaLODMeshReduction/InstaLODMeshReductionPCH.h is on both private and public

[1/9] Compile [x64] Module.InstaLODUI.2_of_3.cpp
1>F:\Perforce\Isjtar_3090\depot\NUMIX\ue5\NUMIX\Plugins\InstaLODMeshReduction\Source\InstaLODMeshReduction\Public\InstaLOD\InstaLOD.h(91): error C2027: use of undefined type 'FSkeletalMeshOptimizationSettings'
1>C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\SkeletalMesh.h(737): note: see declaration of 'FSkeletalMeshOptimizationSettings'
1>F:\Perforce\Isjtar_3090\depot\NUMIX\ue5\NUMIX\Plugins\InstaLODMeshReduction\Source\InstaLODMeshReduction\Public\InstaLOD\InstaLOD.h(96): error C2027: use of undefined type 'FSkeletalMeshOptimizationSettings'
1>C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\SkeletalMesh.h(737): note: see declaration of 'FSkeletalMeshOptimizationSettings'
1>[2/9] Compile [x64] Module.InstaLODUI.1_of_3.cpp

Hello @ash,

Thank you for your post. I will report this internally an provide information when it becomes available.


If only 5.3 is possible, it would be good to mention that in the documentation. I’m unsure whether I can switch to 5.3.

@ash I saw your post on our Discord, were you able to compile the plugin?

No, 5.3 has caused other problems. I’m going back to 5.2

I see thanks for the updated info. :pray: