Uv 2 channel collapsed

Hey there! Could you tell how to avoid UV 2 channel collapse after lod made? Also, how to avoid triangulation of meshes? Thanks!

Hello @CGMole, and welcome to our community!

InstaLOD can preserve input quad meshes when you use USD or FBX as an interchange format. However, all mesh processing features operate on triangulated data, except when using the Quad Remesh operation.

Regarding the loss of UVs from the second UV set, may I please ask which mesh operation you are running in InstaLOD?


Sure! I tried optimize only

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Hello @CGMole,

Would you be able to provide us with a file that we can use to test internally?


I think I found the problem, it is not on instalod side, thanks! Instalod preserve second channel as well as first.

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Great! Thanks for checking!